Right now, Iโ€™m sipping on a cup of masala chai made with store-bought soy milk and thinking how much the vegan scene in India has changed over the past few years! When I went vegan in 2014, dairy alternatives weren’t so readily available in the market as they are today. While Iโ€™m personally not much into using store-bought dairy alternatives, I do acknowledge these ready-to-use products have made the lives of vegans in India a lot more convenient. And the best thing? Packaged soy milk (sometimes called “soy beverage” on the carton) yields such lovely curd ๐Ÿ™‚

Of course, I am sure the incredible creaminess is pretty much due to the emulsifiers added to these milks, but hey, if we can make such creamy, tasty soy curd so conveniently, then why not?!

Time Taken: 15 minutes + setting time

Yields: Approx. 450 ml


Method:ย ย ย ย ย ย 

  1. Bring the milk to a boil while stirring continuously. Lower the heat and simmer for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the stove.
  2. Beat the milk with a whisk or a spoon until it cools down a bit. This step is important for getting incredibly creamy curd.
  3. Once it is just slightly warmโ€”you should be able to dip a finger comfortablyโ€”mix in the starter curd/ starter liquid and stir.
  4. Keep aside to set for as long as you would for dairy curd according to the climatic conditions in your region. Setting time would vary from 5-7 hours in summer to 10-12 hours in winter.

Also see: 5+ Types of Homemade Vegan Curd


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